PunjabSouth Punjab

Performance Evaluation Report Govt of Punjab Teachers 2023


A notification regarding Performance Evaluation Report Govt of Punjab of Teachers and other Employees working in School Education Department has been issued by South Punjab School Education Department.According to this notification ,it is stated that to ensure timely disposal of Performance Evaluation Reports Govt of Punjab of all the officers / official working under the administrative control of all Chief Executive Officers in South Punjab.


I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to apprise that the Competent Authority i.e. Secretary, School Education Department, South Punjab has desired to ensure timely disposal of Performance Evaluation Reports of all the officers / officials working under the administrative control of all Chief Executive Officers in South Punjab as per instructions about confidential reports circulated vide S&GAD letter No. S(R)-3542 S&GAD 4-8/65 -SO-X111 dated 12.02.1968 which are reproducd as below;

When should a Performance Evaluation Report be written

The Report shall relate to a calendar year. It shall be initiated in the first week of January by the initiating authority and forwarded to the higher authority in the same week. The higher authority shall give its remarks within one week. In case it is necessary to send the report to a third authority, it will be sent to the authority immediately. The final authority shall also record its views within a week. Time schedule has been laid down so that the remarks are based on the performance of Govenment servants during the calendar year to which they relate. Otherwise, consciously or sub-consciously subsequent events can contribute towards the formation of opinion in respect of the past year. Thus the reports should be completed within the month of January each year.

Responsibility of the final authority to ensure prompt writing of Performance Evaluation Report

Generally, the writing of confidential reports gets delayed, which affects the disposal of cases in which it is necessary to consult Character Rolls. This also leads to frustration among the Government servants. The final authority about the writing of confidential report will be responsible for obtaining confidential reports for the preceding calendar year within the month of January, each year. It would then fumish a certificate to Services and General Administration Department that all the confidential reports which are due to be completed have actually been completed and placed on the Character Rolls. This certificate should reach Services and General Administration Department (Section R-IV) in the first week of February. The defaulting authorities shall be brought to the notice of Government for appropriate disciplinary action.

Performance Evaluation Report Govt of Punjab School Education Department 2023

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