A notification has been issued on 17-02-2022 in connection with Appointment of Child or Widow Retirement Medical Category B (17-A Rule) by Government of the Punjab, Services & General Administration Department (Regulation Wing).Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Appointment of Child or Widow Retirement Medical Category B
Reference Your letter No. E&A(IC&ID)Misc./2022 dated 31.01.22 on the subject noted above.
The Regulations Wing, S&GAD has examined the matter and it is observed that Regulations Wing, S&GAD’s clarifications regarding ineligibility of children of parents declared invalidated under category “B” are no more in the field after Lahore High Court Struck down those clarification. Hence, the Appointing Authorities may make decision independently by taking that fact in view and the provisions of Rule 17-A of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment & Conditions of Service) Rules 1974.
However, Rule 17-A of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 is applicable to the civil Servants only. Thus, the employees who do not enjoy the status of civil servants are not entitled to the benefit envisaged in the Rule ibid until and unless their organization has adopted it or has a matching provision in its rules / regulations.