FederalFinance Division

Admissibility of Basic Pay Scales 2022 for Retired Servants

An office memorandum has been issued on 21st July 2022 in connection with a request for admissibility of revised basic pay scales 2022 to the civil servants who retired between the current financial year 2021-22 by the Finance Division of Pakistan. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Admissibility of Basic Pay Scales 2022 for Retired Servants

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Defence Production’s U.O. No. 2/4/2009/DP-2 dated 04-07-2022 on the subject cited above and to say that the benefit of revision of Pay Scales-2022 cannot be extended to the pensioners who retired during financial year of 2021-22 on the basis of following:

  1. GFR-58 (1) states that all authorities which are competent to sanction revision of pay or the grant of concessions to Government servants should bear in mind that retrospective effect should not be given to financial sanctions, except in exceptional circumstances, without the special approval of Government.
  2. Revision of Basic Pay Scales-2022 w.e.f. 01-07-2022 has been approved by the Federal Cabinet.
  3. In accordance with CSR-4, the Government has the discretion/right of changing the rules regarding pay, allowances, leave and pension. In case of a dispute, an officer’s claim to pay and allowances is regulated by the rules in force at the time when the officer resigns or is discharged from the service of Government.
Basic Pay Scales 2022
Revision of Pay Scale 2022 For Pensioners

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