
Amount of Nisab of Zakat 2022 for Bank Accounts

A Notification has been issued on 30-03-2022 in connection with Nisab of Zakat 2022 for Bank Accounts by Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat Poverty Alleviation and Social safety Division. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Amount of Nisab of Zakat 2022 for Bank Accounts

I direct to say that Administrator General Zakat has notified the “Nisab of Zakat” for the Zakat Year 1442-43 AH at Rs.88,927/- (Rupees: Eighty Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Seven only). No deduction of Zakat at the source they will make. In case the amount standing to the credit of an account in respect of the assets mentioned in column 2 of serial No. 1 of the first schedule of Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980, is less than Rs.88,927/- (Rupees: Eighty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Seven only) on the first day of Ramzan-ul-Mubarak, 1443 A.H.

The first day of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak has already been notified as to the “Deduction date” likely to fall on 3rd or 4th April 2022 (subject to the appearance of the moon) for deduction of Zakat from saving Bank Accounts, Profit and Loss sharing Accounts and other similar Accounts having a credit balance of Rs.88,927/- (Rupees: Eighty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Seven only).

All the Zakat Collection Controlling Agencies (ZCCAs) the department requests to deduct the Zakat accordingly. A copy of the return of Form CZ-08A may please be provided to this Division immediately after depositing Zakat in Central Zakat Account No.CZ-08 is being maintained with the State Bank of Pakistan.

Nisab of Zakat

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