
Census Staff Will Remain Engaged with PBS till 10th April

A notification has been issued on 31-03-2023 with the directions that Census Staff Will Remain Engaged with Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Till 10th April by PBS.Further detail is as under;

Census Staff Will Remain Engaged with Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Till 10th April

As the Census field operation started with effect from 1st March, 2023 all over the country is nearing to its conclusion, that is, the ongoing field enumeration of the census will be completed till 4th April, 2023, PBS takes this opportunity to highly appreciate the cooperation extended by the Provincial Administration on every aspect of the census, especially regarding provision of census staff including enumerators and supervisors.

In the 5th meeting of Census Monitoring Committee, constituted by the CCI to oversee the census operations, held on 17th January, 2023, it was decided that census trained staff will be exempted from all types of other duties, like exam duty, polio duty, election duty etc. for the period of census field operation for smooth and successful conduct of the census. However, it has been learnt that the census staff is being engaged in other duties, along with the responsibility of census field activities, which may badly affect the efficiency of the census field work. Further, after completion of the main census field operation on 4th April, 2023, the census staff is required to remain engaged with the PBS till 10th April, 2023 for their need in the verification exercise.

It is, therefore, requested to kindly ensure that the census field staff remains spared from all kind of other duties, except to be engaged for the census field work, and they will be available till 10th April, 2023 to PBS for the post field operation verification exercise.Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciaten With kind regards.

Census staff

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