
Deployment of Army Troops Across Punjab 2023

S.R.O (1) 2023:- Pursuant to the request made by Home Department, Government of the Punjab vide their letter No.SO(IS-11)3-15/2023 (Security)(1) dated 9th May. 2023, the Federal Government, in exercise of the powers conferred under Article 245 of the Constitution and Section 4 (3) (ii) of Anti-Terrorism Act. 1997 (to discharge such functions as specified in the said act), is pleased to authorize deployment of Pakistan Army troops / assets for maintaining law & order situation across the Punjab province in aid of civil power.

The exact numbers of troops/assets, date and area of deployment will be worked out by the Provincial Government in consultation with MO Die. GHQ. The date of de-requisitioning of said deployment will be decided subsequently after mutual consultation among both the stakeholders.

Deployment of Army Troops Across Punjab 2023

Deployment of Army

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