A notification of Enhancement in Civil Secretariat Allowance from 50% to 100% of 2022 Pay Scales has been issued on 21 December 2022 by Finance Department,Govt.of Punjab.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Enhancement in Civil Secretariat Allowance from 50% to 100% of 2022 Pay Scales
The Governor of Punjab enhances the allowance for Civil Secretariat from 50% to 100% of the monthly basic pay scale of 2022. The Section Officer writes to concerned authorities about the said decision to make sure the practical work on it. The Section Officer writes as
“In Continuation of Finance Department’s Letter no. FD.PR.2-1/2009 dated 26.05.2018 and 07.2022 (copies enhanced) and in pursuance of the approval of the Provincial Cabinet, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to enhance the rates of Civil Secretariat Allowance from 50% to 100% of monthly basic pay of Basic Pay Scale 2022 w.e.f to the employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat departments, Governor House / Secretariat and Chief Minister’s Office who are drawing their pay from the payroll of Civil Secretariat Departments Governor’s House/ Secretariat and Chief Minister’s Office. Officers who are drawing Executive Allowance granted vide notification No. FD.PR.12-7/2018 dated 27.04.2021 and any other notification(s) issued in regard subsequently, will not be entitled to the grant of Civil Secretariat Allowance in light of Notification No. FD.PR.12-7-2018 dated 29.07.2019 (copy enclosed). The said Allowance will not be related as part of emoluments for the purpose of calculation of pension and commutation.
Other Terms & conditions shall remain same.”
Previous Rates of Civil Secretariat Allowance
Before the issuance of this notification, the Civil Secretariat Punjab were getting Civil Secretariat Allowance @ 50% of the running basic pay of 2017 Basic Pay Scales.