A decision has been made on 04-02-2022 in connection with Punjab Govt to Decide to Grant of 25% Special Allowance on Running Basic Pay by Punjab Service Tribunal Lahore.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Grant of 25% Special Allowance on Running Basic Pay –Punjab Service Tribunal
Appellant filed an instant appeal under section 4 of the Punjab Service Tribunal Act, 1974 with the following prayers:-
“Under the circumstances, it is most respectfully prayed that instant appeal may kindly be allowed, the impugned notification dated 07.07.2021 issued by the respondent No.2 may kindly be set aside and the respondents may kindly be directed to issue revised/modified Notification on the pattern of the Notification dated 03.03.2021 of the Federal Government for grant of “Disparity Reducation Allowance” with same terms and conditions in the supreme interest of justice.
Any other relief which this Honourable Court deems just and proper, the department should also award.”
Direction to Res[pondent No. 1
- The learned counsel for the appellant appeared before the court. It stated that if a direction to respondent No.1 for the disposal of the departmental appeal, the appellant would satisfied.
- Learned Deputy District Attorney did not raise any objection on the acceptance of the request of the learned counsel for the appellant.
Decision of PST
- Keeping in view of the submission of learned counsel for the appellant, this appeal is the disposal of. They disposed of the appeal with a direction to respondent No.1 i.e. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Lahore to decide the departmental appeal/representation of the appellant. If pending in accordance with law after giving the opportunity of personal hearing to the appellant, expeditiously, preferably within 45 days. Keeping in view question of limitation from receipt of this order. Learned Deputy District Attorney has no objection.
- With this direction, the appeal stands disposed of.