A notification of Implementation of School Based Assessment (SBA) SOPs in all Public and Private Schools of Punjab by Punjab Examination Commission 2023.Further detail is as under;


I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that Secretary School Education has approved the following instructions for School Based Assessment (SBA) for Grades 1 to 8 in order to fair conduct and standardized marking of papers across the Punjab by the schools.

  • Schools will generate its unique papers using IBS from their specific school login and ensure that the same is being conducted by the schools. Any deviation will not be considered SBA as per approved Assessment Policy Framework and appropriate action will be taken against the delinquent schools/ districts
  • During monitoring of SBA, the monitoring teams will scan QR Code to ensure that the instructions contained in 1(a) are being implemented by the schools.
  • The examination shall be conducted by the external examiners and not by the teachers of the same school.
  • The standardized marking will be ensured by using keys and rubrics available with the papers in IBS. Teachers will constraint from marking of their class rather Principals/Headmasters/Head Teachers will ensure “cross marking” of papers by engaging teachers of other classes or schools.
  • The SBA is scheduled to commence from March 10, 2023 and results willbe shared on March 31,2023.
  • The schools will ensure to maintain the record for third party validation by PEC on basis of random selection of schools / districts.
    1 am therefore, directed to request you to implement the aforementioned instructions in true letter and spirit for successful completion of SBA.#f) Assessment result of each student will be recorded on assessment register and report cards based upon their grades will also be prepared and handed over to each student according to the notified timeline.

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