
KPK Govt Bans Mobile Phone Usage in Schools

Use of mobile phones banned in K-P schools

Mobile phone use has become ubiquitous, with even teachers and staff frequently utilizing their devices during office hours. Responding to this trend, the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) has imposed a ban on mobile phone usage during school hours across all government schools in the province. The aim of this measure is to reduce distractions and enhance the learning environment for students.

A letter from the Directorate of Education to district education officers highlights the negative impact of mobile phone use on student studies. It instructs teachers and staff to abstain from using their phones during school hours.

The directive emphasizes that mobile phones can disrupt the learning process and divert students’ attention from their studies. Consequently, authorities are required to collect mobile phones from all staff members at the beginning of the school day. In case of emergencies, staff members are advised to use PTCL landline phones.

Furthermore, the directive stipulates that staff members may only use their mobile phones during designated breaks or when classes are not in session. Any requests to take photos or videos with mobile phones must be approved by the heads of their respective institutions.

This initiative by the KP government reflects growing concerns about the potential adverse effects of excessive mobile phone use on educational performance and student well-being.

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