A notification has been issued on 10-03-2022 in connection with NOMINATION OF TEST ADMINISTRATORS FOR LARGE SCALE ASSESSMENT (LSA-2022) by Punjab Examination Commission Lahore. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Kindly refer to the subject cited above.
2. It is informed that Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) is going to conduct Large Scale Assessment LSA-2022 in the subjects of Urdu English Mathematics and Science for Grades 4, 5, and 8, tentatively scheduled to be conducted in all 36 districts of the Punjab from 18th — 22nd April, 2022.
In this regard, Test Administrators Training is a vital activity on which the validity and reliability of Large Scale Assessment is based. The test administrators training workshop is scheduled to be held during 4th — 16th April, 2022 across the Punjab.
4. In view of the above, it is requested to nominate at least ESTs/ SSTs of above from your district to perform the duties as Test Administrators for LSA-2022. The nomination should be based on the following criteria:
- Nominate one Test Administrator (TA) against each school and grade.
- Nominated TA should be willing and efficient.
- For girls’ schools, female TAs should be nominated, whereas, for boys’ school”, male TAs should be nominated.
- The nomination should be from the schools that fall within the radius of 16 km of the sampled school.
- Nominated TA should NOT be deputed in his/ her own school.
5.List of sampled schools for LSA Grades 4, 5, & 8 has been shared via email along with a web link, district wise usernames and passwords. Please, use this web link for nomination of TAs and provide re ‘site details of teachers/ TAs by 21 March 2022.