A notification has been issued by DPI (EE) Punjab in connection with the posting of AEO (Assistant Education Officers) females against vacant posts. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Authority has observed that a number of posts of AEOs are lying vacant in the field as well as the charge of the post of AEOs female has been assigned to AEOs Male. The Secretary. Schools Education Department vide letter No. SO (SE-111)5-398/2021 dated 02 11 2021 has granted permission for adjustment of willing SSTs (Female) having at least 05-years services and unblemished record at their credit for consideration posting as AEO.
In order to implement the directions in true spirit following criteria may be observed
- The SSTs having 05-years regular service are eligible for posting as AEO against available vacant posts.
- Provided that the SST has un-blernished service record.
- The charge of the post of AEO (female) already assigned to AEO (rnale) may be replaced with AEO (female) with immediate effect. A.
- Only female SST, may be posted / transferred against the post of AEO (female).
- In case of non-availability of SST (fernale) for posting as AEO (female) the additional charge may be assigned to a suitable SST (female) till the appointment / transfer of regular incumbent.
The guidelines/criteria may be observed strictly as per School Education Department recruitment Rules / Transfer Policy (2013)1 amended from time to time for smooth functioning and quality education. In the future, no male officer may be assigned the additional ar of the post of AEO; female at any cost.