A notification has been issued 03-11-2021 in connection with use of Social Media by Government Servants.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Your Personal attention is invited to School Education Department issued vide letter No. SO(G)11-2/GD/2021. dated 07-9-2021 .on the subject cited above.
It has been observed that government servants often engage themselves with social media i.e. websites and applications that enable users to create and share contents or participate in social networking/ virtual communities /online groups. They, while using different social media platforms including face book, Twitter,
Whatsapp, Instagram ,Micro blogging etc.to air their views on a host of subjects ,sometimes indulge in actions or behavior that does not conform to the required standards of official conduct, as envisaged in the Rules ibid, such actions range from unauthorized relaying of the official information to disseminating the wrong or misleading information to airing of political or sectarian views etc.
All government servants are required to comply with the above instructions in letter and spirit.