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Pakistan Moon Sighting Announcement for Rajab 1445 AH

Official government notification from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony of Pakistan has been issued on dated 12th January 2024. It states that the moon for the Islamic month of Rajab in the year 1445 AH has been sighted, and thus the first day of Rajab will be observed on the 13th January 2024.

Rajab 1445 AH Begins January 13, 2024, in Pakistan

No. F. No. 10(1)/DD (Q)/2022. In pursuance of the decision of the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, in its meeting held today, the Federal Government in the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony hereby announces that the moon of Rajab 1445 AH has been sighted, therefore the 1^st Rajab 1445 shall commence from Saturday, the 13th January, 2024.

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