A notification has been issued on 24th June 2022 in connection with the payment of remuneration of all hired school teacher interns (STIs) by The Directorate of Public Instruction (Elementary Education) Punjab. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Detail of Notification
The Government of Punjab, School Education Department released the budget for Honorarium vide letter No. SO (Budget-1) 3-2/2021(P-1) dated 25.03.2022 for payment to the hiring of School Teacher Interns STIs.
The authority has shown great concern about nonpayment of remuneration at some places to hire School Teachers Interns (STI).
In the matter, you are directed to ensure the payment of remuneration to all hired STls of all phases till 30th of June, 2022 before Eid-ul-Azha positively, and submit clearance certificate to this Directorate till 1st of July, 2022.
If, after 30 of June 2022 any claim of payment is placed in the Directorate in the shape of a complaint, the Drawing, and Disbursing Officer along with the Executive Head of the District shall be responsible and the matter will be inquired Ander PEEDA Act-2006.