In a significant move aimed at empowering small-scale farmers, the Punjab government has launched the Nawaz Sharif Kissan Card Program across the province. This initiative, announced by the Provincial Government, will provide loans totaling Rs150 billion to 500,000 farmers under favorable terms and conditions.
During a meeting to review the “Green Punjab and Khushal Kashtkar” project, Chief Minister Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar, approved the Kissan Card scheme. Officials briefed the CM that farmers would receive an agricultural loan of Rs30,000 per acre under this scheme. This financial aid can be utilized to purchase high-quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other agricultural necessities, along with additional subsidies.
Furthermore, the Punjab government will collaborate with the private sector to establish Model Agriculture Centers (MAC) across the province. These centers will be equipped with cutting-edge agricultural machinery and will offer training programs, availability of pesticides and seeds, and demonstration plots.
The launch of the Nawaz Sharif Kissan Card Program has been hailed as a significant step towards supporting small-scale farmers in Punjab. The program is expected to boost agricultural productivity, enhance farmers’ livelihoods, and contribute to the overall development of the agriculture sector in the province.
The meeting, where the Kissan Card scheme was approved, was attended by senior minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Information Minister Azma Zahid Bukhari, Agriculture Minister Ashiq Hussain, Pervaiz Rasheed, Saud Majeed, Chief Secretary Agriculture, President Bank of Punjab, and other officials.