A summary has been approved by Prime Minister of Pakistan in connection with Summary of Time Scale Promotion BPS-01 to BPS- 16 | Federal Govt Employees.Further detail of said summary is as under;
Summary of Time Scale Promotion BPS-01 to BPS- 16 | Federal Govt Employees
Time scale shall be granted to all civil servants in BPS-1 to BPS-16 of Federal Government thrice during entire service as per the following pattern:
- Completion of 10 years service in the current substantive pay scale
- Each ministry/division/department wil constitute and notify a time scale committee (TSC) on the pattern of Departmental .
- The time scale will be granted on the recommendation of the relevant Time Scale Comittee.
- Performance evaluation reposts, detail of Disciplinary Action (if any), and completion of the requisite length of service will be the eligibity criteria for evaluation by the TSC.
- Time scale shall not be granted wie.f from the date of completion of the requisite length of service rather completion of the length of service will make the employee eligible for consideration by the relevant TSC. Time scale shall always be granted with immediate effect, on the recommendation of relevant TSC, and after the approval of appointing authority for that higher time scale.
- Grant of Time Scale shall not be considered as promotion within the meaning of Section- of scale civil servants.
- The substantive pay scale of time scale beneficiary shall be the original scale possessed by civil servants on regular basis through initial appointment or by means on promotion.
- On award of time scale, the pay of civil servants shall be fixed in higher Time Scale without grant of pre-mature 1 increment.
- Civil servant who is awarded Time Scale during the period between 1% June to 30 November of a calendar 1 year can opt for e-fixation of pay presumptively.
- On award of time scale, the civil servant will be entitled to pay & allowances sanctioned for that higher time § scale. 3
- Service rendered on a time scale will be counted for a substantive pay scale of the incumbent.
- The time scale will not be granted from a back date i.e. it will not be effective before the date of TSC’s meeting.
- The time scale will be admissible thrice in the whole service. On each eve of promotion, one chance of Time § Scale will be considered lapses. §
Further detail is given below.