PunjabSED PunjabSouth Punjab

Theft of Solar Penals During Summer Vacations in Schools 2022

A notification has been issued on 27th May 2022 in connection with Theft of Solar Penals During Summer Vacations in Schools by the Directorate of Public Instruction (EE) South Punjab.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Theft Solar Penals 2022 Summer Vacations

I feel deep regret to state that even after issuing a number of alerts, the theft of solar penals could not be stopped. The list of recent theft solar penals is attached. The Government of the Punjab, School education Department has announced summer vacations commencing from 1st June, 2022. During the summer vacations, the chances of theft of solar penals may increase.

Keeping in view the above, you are directed to take necessary steps/measures to stop the theft of solar penals. The special directions may be issued to AEOs in this regard.

  1. Ask them to take pics of existing solar penal in the schools and provide data in the given proforma.
  2. In the schools where solar penals are stolen, direct AEOs to inquire the theft of solar penals school wise in their jurisdiction and fix the responsibility if any.
  3. Direct the AEOs to take necessary steps e.g; appointing Chowkidar from NSB especially for summer vacations and likewise other steps under rule to stop the thefting of solar penals.

You are once again requested to sensitise the issue and submit compliance report regarding above directions before the commencement of summer vacations in the schools.


Solar Penals
Theft of Solar Penals During Summer Vacations in Schools 2022

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