FederalFinance Division

New Head of Account A0124N DRA @15% 2022 Federal Employees

A notification has been issued on 10-03-2022 in connection with New Head of Account A0124N DRA @15% 2022 Federal Employees. In this regard, the Office of the CGA has issued a chart of accounts correction slip No. 555 by Government of Pakistan, Office of the Controller General Accounts.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

New Head of Account A0124N DRA @15% 2022 FG Employees

In pursuance of Finance Division Regulation Wing OM.F.No.14(1)R-3/2021-69 dated 23-02-2022 regarding grant of Disparity Reduction Allowance @15% of basic pay scales 2017 w.e.f. 1st March 20222 to civil employees in BPS 1-19 of Federal Government who have never been allowed additional allowance equal to or more than 100% of basic pay, the following new head of account under Object Element “A-Expenditure” is opened/allocated in the Chart of Accounts:-

Chart of HoA

Major HeadA01Employee Related Expenses
Minor HeadA012Allowances
Detailed Head (New)A0124NDisparity Reduction Allowance 2022-15%
DRA @15%

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